Well here we go..... I've been wanting to do a blog for a long time but just never got around to it and we didn't have the internet connection at our apartment and didn't really want to pay for it but now were able to "borrow" from someone in the complex! Lately Issac has been reading his mission journals to me and its been really neat to hear about those two years in his life that i didn't know him. It got me thinking that I've never really kept a journal and what better way than to do a blog so here we go!
For those of you who are actually reading this, and I'm pretty sure not many are, Issac and I have been married just over six months. We currently live in Murray in some apartments. Issac is busy trying to finish his last year of school at the U of U in Economics and working as well. I'm still at the dentist office but i am up front now being a receptionist. I like it for a change but will admit I miss assisting. Thats about as exciting we get!
This past summer we had a few trips including our late honeymoon to Cancún. We were able to spend a lot of time on the beach, see the ruins at Chichen-Itza, experienced the bus system, try our sweet bartering skills, snorkeled, and some great authentic Mexican food that didn't settle so well! (it did with Issac). It was really helpful having Issac speak Spanish because I had no idea what was going on half the time. The first actual day that we were there I went to take a bath and after starting the water I turned and met the side of the door. I got a pretty good black eye that stayed with me for the entire trip. Most of the time people would look at me and then immediately look at Issac! He got some pretty nasty looks but don't worry he didn't beat me.
As I've learned from my sister Ashley, it is ok to post things that've happened a couple months ago, late! So I'm sure Ill be adding more to this from our past summer. I hope you all enjoy reading this and were very excited to keep you all updated!